Tips for visiting the Grotta del Genovese.
Kids from 6 to 11
Kids from 0 to 5

Booking is obligatory, with at least 48 hours notice . The cave is open from 9.00 to 13.30.
Before booking, please make sure that seats are available on the hydrofoil. Click here.


The Grotta del Genovese, despite being in an area on ??the island of Levanzo which can be reached by land or by sea, requires a walk along a path ascending the coast. For this reason, some suggestions might help you to better enjoy this unique and unrepeatable experience:






Book your trip


n summer especially, the high turnout on the Egadi islands makes it necessary to buy hydrofoil tickets FIRST, so as not to risk getting stuck at the port of Trapani.
You can book your seats on the hydrofoil on the Liberty Lines website.


Book the hydrofoil BEFORE





Wear comfortable shoes


After getting off the boat or the jeep, you will need to follow a dirt path on foot to reach the cave: wearing  comfortable shoes is preferable.


Wear comfortable shoes





Bring a bottle of water


The sun on the islands can often be strong, especially in the morning hours. Between the time it takes to reach the cave and the few minutes of waiting between one tour and another, it is advisable to bring a bottle of water so you can cool off.


Bring a bottle of water





Wear a hat


For the same reasons explained above, it is advisable to wear a hat to protect your head from the sun.


Wear a hat





Visit not suitable for the disabled


Due to the roughness of the path that leads to the Grotta del Genovese, the path is difficult to access for people with motor disabilities or wheelchair users.


not accessible








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