The Egadi Islands - Favignana, Marettimo e Levanzo
Kids from 6 to 11
Kids from 0 to 5

Booking is obligatory, with at least 48 hours notice . The cave is open from 9.00 to 13.30.
Before booking, please make sure that seats are available on the hydrofoil. Click here.



Levanzo - Egadi Islands




The Egadi Islands have a biodiversity heritage and they are also tourist resorts renowned for their crystal clear sea and dream beaches.

Set within the largest marine reserve in the Mediterranean, the Egadi islands are a world heritage site to be experienced and explored.




The smallest of the Egadi islands, is full of magic, history and beauty.

The island is entirely accessible on foot and is full of small coves and beaches that can be reached more easily by boat but also by beautiful walks through the countryside.

The reflective colours of the brightest greens and blues alternate between Cala Minnola, in whose depths it is not difficult to see archaeological finds dating back to the Punic wars, Cala Fredda, the wildest cove, and Cala Tramontana which is jagged and embellished with caverns and caves. On the Capo Grosso cliff, the historic lighthouse illuminates the coast of Trapani on one side and the dolomitic Marettimo on the other.


Il porto di Levanzo


In literature


Levanzo appears in the Odyssey as one of Ulysses's fortuitous landings and is referred to as the island of goats and, in fact, the life of this small village has flowed peacefully for centuries at the slow pace of rural and seafaring activities.
The small village stands at the foot of a hill which is rich in vegetation and overlooks the sea with a small port.

Levanzo in history


Tuna breeding area


The mildness of its waters has always created the ideal environment for tuna who, reaching the area from the north in the spring, deposit their eggs in the seabed to then move towards Favignana where the traps are set up and where the Florio family built a monumental processing plant of this blue fish.

Tunas of Levanzo





Famous for the sea that bathes its coasts and for the white beaches that can be reached by land, Favignana is also worth a visit for the artistic heritage and traditions that the island offers: the Florio Tonnara, a magnificent example of industrial archaeology; Palazzo Florio with its fascinating Art Nouveau facade, testifying to the connection between the Florio family and the island's economy based on fishing and tuna processing.
Tuna is also the protagonist of the local gastronomy, it is cooked in different ways, and from it we get delicious local specialities which are part of an age-old tradition such as bottarga, ficazza, tunnina.

The town is full of shops selling typical products, restaurants and bars and boutiques.


Favignana island





The town is made up of a group of fishermen's cottages squeezed between the sea and the mountains.
Boat excursions around the island depart from the town to admire the magnificent caves carved into the rock where the transparency of the sea is reflected.

The island is full of nature trails for trekking enthusiasts and a walk in the mountains offers enchanting views and breathtaking landscapes.


Marettimo island









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